Domino’s has today launched a deliciously meaty new pizza range – without beef.
Pizza lovers in Australia and New Zealand can now enjoy delicious plant-based meat
sensation Impossible™ Beef on all their favourite pizzas, including Impossible™
Supreme, Impossible™ Godfather, Impossible™ Firebreather and Impossible™
Cheeseburger, with the Impossible™ Pizza Night!

Impossible™ Beef, the market-leading animal-free product from California-based
Impossible Foods is both nutritionally friendly and friendly to the environment, with
each serving of Impossible™ Beef using 69% less water, 95% less land, and 88%
fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to beef from cows produced in Australia.
It is also gluten free, halal and kosher-certified, contains 25% less saturated fat than
Australian minced beef from cows1 , and delivers a satisfying 18.8 grams of protein
per each 113-gram serving.

As well as encouraging customers to consider their environmental impact, Domino’s
is working with Wavemaker to carbon-offset its digital media buying by implementing
first-of-its-kind technology.

To celebrate the Impossible Pizza’s launch, Domino’s is offering 30% Off a Large
Impossible Pizza pick up or delivered when ordered via the Domino’s App* between
October 24th and December 4th

About The Author

Georgia Dawes

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