A comedy staple which never fails to crack a smile across even the most serious of faces, ‘A man walks into a bar’ styled stand up is a classic. Even better if the delivery is flawless and the punchline snappy – something that the absurdist comedy stage production, written by David Geary, really accomplished.

Performed by a total cast of three, ‘A Man Walks into a Bar’ focuses on the relationship of a man and a woman, portrayed through the characters you meet at the places where everyone knows your name. Its a convoluted journey of male and female in bar behaviours, which takes you from laugh out loud moments to a sobering sombre.

As ‘The Man’, Chris Yaacoubian moves from character to character with ease. From a playful drunk, to a desperate alcoholic, Yaacoubian takes you on a journey of relatable humour. As ‘The Woman’, Nina Marsh is a genuine and amusing, building a back story for all characters that makes you believe her feelings of happiness, sorrow and acceptance. The chemistry between Yaccoubian and Marsh is outstanding, you are truly made to feel that this is a couple, putting each other through the situations that we as an audience are experiencing first hand. Marsh has a raw and pure singing voice, which is trumped only by the the eclectic numbers from the very talented Sam Newton, who ties the piece together with mood music and hilarious original songs.

‘A Man walks into a bar’ is truly original, entertaining and relatable. The best part? You walk out of the theatre, into a bar, with a cavalry of brilliant jokes at the ready.

‘A MAN WALKS INTO A BAR’ is playing the Blood Moon Theatre, 24 Bayswater Road, Kings Cross up until the 7th of May. You can see the performance on Wednesdays to Saturdays at 7.30pm, also Saturdays and Sundays at 3.30pm. Tickets available here: http://www.offtheavenue.com.au

About The Author

Living in the inner west, enjoying Mexican food and paddling my own canoe.

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