Sydney Social 101 caught up with renowned artist Joanna Logue’s to chat about her 2015 exhibition which will be showing at the King Street Gallery in Darlinghurst Sydney from the 2nd June 2015 – 26th June 2015.

Brian Langer Studio 2010-5

What would be the best piece of advice you could give to a young artist trying to find their style?

The best advice I could give a young artist around the ideas of trying to find a unique style is to just respond in an honest way to what it is you are painting and your personal style will shine through. Every artist has a unique ‘hand’ and it manifests in its truest form when you are least trying! I feel that the thing that gets in the way of originality is the idea of trying to be original. If you make enough work and stay true in the making, your personal style will shine though.

What’s the biggest thing you’ve learnt personally on your artist journey?

I think most artists experience a lot of self-doubt because they are exposing themselves to rejection or criticism. I’d say it is one of the bravest professions to choose and artists are constantly be facing their own harsh critic and fear. The biggest thing I’ve learnt along the way is to not let the fear get in the way, to risk the painting at all costs and to be kind to myself when it doesn’t work

What do you do to push through a creativity block?

When I get creatively blocked it’s usually after I’ve finished painting an exhibition. Artists forget that they ‘need to fill the well’. We think that if we are not physically creating we are not working. We all need latency. When I get blocked I clean my studio, paint the walls white, go into my garden or head straight to the cinema. It’s also helpful to visit other artists or check out your favourite artists on u-tube – they will usually talk about creative blocks and you will realize it is one of the conditions of being an artist!

What’s one thing you would advise all artist to do early on in their career?

I believe the best thing to be mindful of as a young artist is to make lots of work, go to as many  museums and galleries as possible, and hang out with like-minded people. Finding a community of artists is really important because making art can be a lonely experience. I think social media is really good for this. Sharing your work and ideas on Instagram and FB can be quite affirming.

What is the best next step after art school, how do you get started on finding your way?

I suppose the best thing to do after art school is to find a studio, preferably in a place where there are other artists, apply for emerging artist grants and residencies and enter lots of art prizes.


177 William Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010
(02) 9360 9727

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About The Author

Lisa Hollinshead
Editor & Director

Boss lady over here at Social 101. Lover of all things that inspire creativity, individuality and happiness! Former party gal, now mama to a beautiful baby boy!

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