We hear about a lot of campaigns here at Sydney Social 101 and some of them we like, some of them not so much. We heard about this particular campaign via a friend and decided to take part, and tell you guys about it of course – this one we likey!

We’re all about positive energy here, we don’t like negativity – ain’t nobody got time for that! As part of the #MYONEWORD campaign, participants are encouraged to select ‘One Word’ and embrace the year ahead with Triumph’s One Word Declaration campaign, encouraging you to create your own personal affirmation of what 2016 means to YOU.

If you’re keen on getting involved and spreading the positivity, simply head on over to the The One Word Declaration microsite to check it out for yourselves where you’re encouraged to capture the sentiment of positivity in 2016.

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The One Word Declaration campaign re-focuses the way you will think about change in 2016. As a constant reminder of your One Word, the site will render your commitment to yourself visible and shareable.

The One Word Declaration will also be supported by Triumph’s 2016 partners including Mamamia, The Collective and social influencers Australia-wide, just like us 🙂

Other supporters include Robyn Lawley (@robynlawley), Erin Holland (@erinvholland) and Elyse Knowles (@elyseknowlzy). Here’s Erin’s:

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One word can empower. One word can inspire. One word can help all of our intentions transform into positive action. Declare your One Word today and refer to it always.

Here’s my One Word entry – Discovery, with a new baby on the way, pretty sure I’m going to be discovering A LOT in 2016:


To find our more, head to http://www.triumphoneword.com.au


About The Author

Editor & Director

Boss lady over here at Social 101. Lover of all things that inspire creativity, individuality and happiness! Former party gal, now mama to a beautiful baby boy!

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