Winter left me feeling flat, tired and bloated – like a hangover that never ends.

It is well and truly warming up and while it is easier to get out of bed I personally can get stuck in a rut with my eating habits. I was asked to try Medisum Trim 1+1 – a completely natural plant based diet supplement and jumped at the chance.

Medisum is vegan friendly and uses natural ingredients that are proven to reduce the absorption of fat and carbs from your food.

The ingredients introduce antioxidants, prebiotics, fibre, reduces stress and supports the immune system and thermogenesis – the burning of fat and not muscle.

There are two steps to Medisum 1+1. The first is a psyllium husk packed carb remover shake to be had 15 minutes before one or two meals daily. The shake is unflavoured and doesn’t taste like much. It gets that slightly jelly consistency that psyllium husk gets when wet. I found it easier to drink with some lemon squeezed in. The shake fills you up and aids digestion.

The second step is to take one or two fat eraser pills with each meal. This was more convenient than the shakes and easy to implement into my routine.

During this time I was eating well and training three times a week. I did not lose any weight but found that the routine of the shake helped me make better food choices and not overeat.

Adding something like Medisum into your day makes you plan out your meals more and consider what you are going to be eating.

I found my energy and mood increased and in that respect there are no cons with the all natural ingredients. This is a completely safe option to add into your lifestyle to support your day to day routine.

You can find out more about Medisum 1+1 here.


About The Author

Milo begun her career in media over three years ago at FAMOUS magazine as a picture assistant. She currently works in marketing and journalism and has a special interest in food, travel and fashion! You can follow her foodie adventures on her instagram food blog @chubbymilo

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